Saturday, September 5, 2015

About This Meditation Thing

(Sorry.  No picture this time)
Have you ever tried to meditate?
Were you successful?
I've tried it many times with many different sources over the years - starting with reading how-to books and following what they tell you to do, listening to tapes/CDs, participating in groups with a leader, or whatever.
It has never worked for me.
I don't think I have a Type A overall personality, but apparently I have a Type A mind/brain.  I can't get it to shut off for more than about 15-20 seconds.  It always goes to something that needs to be done ... something I'm concerned about ... something else I would like to do,  etc. 
If I am able to relax some, I'll occasionally go to sleep, especially in the afternoon or any time if I haven't had a good night's sleep.  Occasionally, but rarely, some good may come from this effort.  I'll get an idea for a story, a thought to include in my next project or email, or even an idea for this blog.
When I'm listening to a "leader" - whether in person, on the web, or on a CD, one thing really annoys and frustrates me.
It's the breath cycle timing. 
The leader gets you started by telling you when to breathe in and out.  That's okay.
But a problem appears after that.
He/she then goes off talking about something other than breathing in and out - the benefits of meditation, plant a suggestion, or something - while you are supposed to keep doing the breathe in and out thing.
When he/she comes back and resumes telling me to breathe in or breathe out, I'm almost always out of synch.
If he/she says "breath in" ... well, I may have just finished breathing in and I can't take any more air in.  I need to breath out or my lungs feel like they will explode.  Or he/she says "breath out" when I've just done that and need air.  Am I supposed to breathe out more and begin coughing like the lung capacity tests make me do?
I thought meditation was supposed to be relaxing.
It's amazing how often I come up out of sync with the leader.  It totally destroys any "mood" I did have when that happens.  I feel like I've just wasted my time thus far.  I might as well start again from the beginning on my own, burn my 15-20 seconds, then forget about it.
Even if he/she stays with the breathe in and out cycle, it's often in his/her or some other unknown timing.  And that rhythm may not be my natural rhythm.
Not a very relaxing situation conducive to meditation you think?  It's really frustrating for me.

Anyone else have these same problems?  Anyone know how to overcome this?
I've never seen this kind of thing discussed.

Please check out my website:  Maybe there's something non-meditative I can help you with?

Have a great Labor Day weekend.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Jim,
    I just started studying email copywriting with Jay last week. He told me about his website for his previous students. I found your website. It is fantastic. Did you create it yourself...?

    With regard to meditation...I think the fundamental answer is simply to sit in a quiet room ... close your your hands palm up on your thighs (i always try and remember to touch my index finger to my thumb - closes the energy cycle (somehow..)Then breath in with your nose and out with your mouth s-l-o-w-l-y.
    It is a part of the process for your mind to wander. You simply & gently keep bringing your mind back to your breath. period. that is meditation. the more you do it...the better you get at it. The hard part for me is to remember to make time for it or...just remember to do it. With regard to all the rest you discussed...that is more advanced and using the mind for manifestation. Dan Kennedy just updated the book on this on psycho-cybernetics. Maxwell Maltz I believe is the guru for all this..
    The book is called 'The New Psycho-Cybernetics' by Maxwell Maltz, M.D., F.I.C.S. edited and updated by Dan Kennedy...(the same Dan Kennedy that works with AWAI-the copywriter)
    Have a great and peaceful day...Kathe
